Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Grail...

How do you know when the quest is over? You set in your sites the grail... but not clearly what you will do with it once you obtain it.

Grail in hand.

What now?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trusting Deceit

Looking for the answer
you never seem to find,
in that person
you did confide.

Betrayal or lies,
honesty or trust,
what they do
they feel they must.

Only to you
is the difference seen,
did it happen,
or was it a dream?

Did you actually open
to a trusting soul?
Was it deceit,
opposite your goal?

You wish your soul
and that of the other,
would bind together
and let in no other.

Growing weary
upon the search,
forget it for now,
you feel there's no worth.

Soul Fly

Purposely lost in the deep dark woods of the infinite,
No guide 'cept the voices we hear all about us,
their spark when they leave,
graduating to the next level of consciousness.
Like fireflies pulsating about,
rising up... searching.

We try to grasp at their tiny bodies,
following their light.

Just when we think we have them,
they blink out.

Our time here...is eternal.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Message From a Kelpie

One day by the river,
before sunset,
o'er came a shiver,
Oh, you could bet.

Kneeling before me,
Oh, please don't say,
for it was a kelpie
that came my way.

He told me why,
even with a pause,
Day's end I would die,
everlasting life the cause.

As I told him no,
demons appeared.
Insisting I go,
Suddenly it cleared...

ONE thought in my head,
never speaking again,
alas, I was dead.

( (c) 1989)